When working with buyers, especially those looking at pre-war homes, one of the first questions I ask is when the last Local Law 11 cycle was completed. Local law 11 work, which addresses maintenance to the facade and exterior of a building, is expensive and often cause for a building to levy an assessment (a short term increase in monthly charges paid by owners.) While most buyers are far more concerned with kitchen renovations and closet space during their home search, in NYC, general building condition and any impending façade work can be an another important factor to remember.
Falling debris in the 1970s led Mayor Ed Koch to pass Local Law 10 to make sure building exteriors in the city were safe. All buildings that are 6 stories and higher must be inspected. The law evolved when Local Law 11 was passed in 1998, which created additions regulations.
Additions to the law include the following:
-The entire building must be inspected, not just the sides that face the street
-All inspections must include scaffolding, instead of visual inspection from a distance
-Buildings must complete a report on any deterioration and then classified as "Safe," "Unsafe," or "Safe with a Repair and Maintenance Program"
Buildings are on a staggered 5 year cycle to inspect and complete any necessary repairs. You can learn more about Local Law 11 here.